
Core Java 

Java is the most essential programming language used across multiple organisations. This is a must know skill for the software engineers.

Yasham Academy offers, Java as modular course. Ensure to pick up this essential skill !!!


Level 1

2 months

Module 1 : Introduction to Java
  • Introduction to computer languages?
  • Need of computer languages
  • Java  V/S other languagesPlatform dependencies?
  • Introduction to Java?
  • History of JavaJDK software includes…
  • Platform Independency?
  • Structure of Java-application
Module 2 : Introduction to variables, Blocks and Methods
  • Introduction to variables and identifiers
  • Type of variables
  • Memory construction and destruction of variables
  • Rules to create variables
  • Naming conventions of variables
  • Blocks introduction
  • Methods introduction.
Module 3 : Data Types
  • Java Primitive types
  • Reference types


Control Statement

Module 4 : Methods
  • Introduction
  • Need
  • Classification of functions
Module 5 : First Java application
  • Class keyword and its naming convention
  • Class naming convention
  • Why main has public access
  • Why main has static modifier
  • Why return type is void
  • System.out.println() description
  • Naming convention of methods and packages.
  • Overloading main method
Module 6 :Class Members in Java
  • Static members(class level)
  • Non-static members(object level)
Module 7 : Wrapper Class
  • Introduction
  • Why wrapping
  • Boxing and Unboxing
  • Auto Boxing and Auto Unboxing
  • Primitive to String conversion (using valueOf()and toString() methods)
  • String to Primitive conversion (using valueOf() and xxxValue() methods)
Module 8 : Access Modifiers in Introduction
  • Usage of access modifiers in packages
Module 9 : Packages
  • Introduction
  • How to create user defined package
  • Calling members of same package
  • Calling members of another package
  • Need of  import statement
  • Need of fully qualified name
  • Difference between import and include
  • Creating Sub packages
  • Importing sub packages
Module 10 : Command line Arguments
  • Introduction
  • Advantage and disadvantages
  • ParseXxx methods
  • Scanner class
  • Random class
Module 11: OOPS
  • Introduction to OOPS
  • Introduction to class, object
  • Encapsulation, Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • final keyword
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • Aggregation
  • Association
  • Composition
  • Singleton class
  • Factory class.
Module 12 : Multi Threading
  • Introduction to multi tasking and multi threading
  • Drawbacks in multi tasking
  • Creation of Thread
  • Life cycle of Thread
  • Threads Using Thread class
  • Threads Using Runnable interfaces
  • Constructors of Thread class.
  • Time management in multi tasking and multi threading
  • Priorities of threads.
  • Naming to threads via constructors or via setters.
  • Synchronization
  • sleep(),join(), wait(), notify(), notifyAll()


Module 13 : Garbage Collection
  • Introduction GC
  • Introduction to daemon threads
  • Drawbacks of
  • finalize()
  • gc()
  • gc()
  • exec();
  • JVM memory increment
  • Process class.
Module 14 : IO Streams
  • Byte streams
  • Character streams
  • Object streams (Serialization)
  • Why serialization
  • Transient keyword
  • What is persistent state of an object
  • Marker interface
  • Can we serialize subclass object if super class is not Serializable
  • Can we serialize an object contains reference to non-Serializable object
  • Byte array streams
  • Data input streams
  • Buffered streams
  • Working with files


Module 15 : Reflection API AND Inner Class
  • Static inner classes
  • Non-static inner classes
  • Local inner classes
  • Anonymous inner classes


Module 16 : Strings
  • Introduction to Strings
  • Creating objects to String
  • String library functions
  • Mutable objects
  • Immutable objects
  • String/StringBuffer/StringReader
  • Creating Immutable class
Module 17: Networking
  •  Introduction to network programming
  • Classes and interfaces of java.net packages
  • Difference between TCP and UDP
  • What is Port?
  • What is IP address? Types?
  • What is Socket?
  • Finding IP address.
  • Creating URLs
  • Exception classes of java.net packages
  • Reading data from URL’s openStream(from local server, global server)
  • Writing data through URLConnection
  • InetAddress class
  • UDP classes introduction
  • Simple chatting program


Module 18 : Collections
  • Introduction to collections
  • Introduction to generics
  • Difference between arrays and Collections
  • Collection interfaces
  • List Interface
  • Set Interface
  • Map Interface
  • Queue Interface
  • Time management over collection classes
  • Memory management over collection classes
  • Deleting duplicate objects from collections
  • equals() method
  • Iterator class
  • Enumeration class
  • for-each loop
  • influence of generics in collection


Module 19: AWT, Applets and Swings
  • Introduction to AWT
  • AWT library classes and interfaces
  • Introduction to Applets
  • Creating Applets
  • Applet Life cycle
  • Drawing shapes and colors in Applets
  • Creating components
  • Layout Management
  • Event Listeners
  • Calculator program
  • Introduction to swings
  • Swings API
  • Light weight components(independent)
  • Heavy weight components(native or dependant)
  • Components creation
  • Menu creation
  • Sub menu creation
  • Setting Listeners to components
  • Project Creation using APPLETS, SWINGS,AWT and JDBC
Module 20 : Applications Services
  • SES
  • SQS
  • SWF
  • SNS
  • Cloud Formation
  • Elastic Transcoder


What is Java?

Java is a widely used object-oriented programming language and software platform that runs on billions of devices, including notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices and many others. The rules and syntax of Java are based on the C and C++ languages.

How it is different from other institues?

We are Akola’s leading IT & Coding School. We are pioneer in providing the courses leading to successful career.

We provide overall Java Topics in one course, with project management which makes you self-sufficient for Project Planning, Execution, Communication management and Reporting.

What is eligibility criteria for Java Course?

Candidates must have completed 10+2 with a science background, with Mathematics as one of the required courses.

What Certificates will i receive after completion of course? Will I receive Certificate for individual Topics as well?
Yes, you will get certificate of completion for every course that is a part of the learning pathway, once you have successfully submitted the final assessment and it has been verified by our subject matter experts.
How difficult is Java?

Java isn’t that hard but can be tricky. You will have simple concepts like variables and functions and at the same time, abstract and complex one slike inheritance, objects, polymorphism.

Is Java Developer a good career?

Yes, it can be a great career option and it is dominant currently in the IT Industry. There are plenty of companies out there that can provide you job offers.

Who this course is for?
  • First-time job seekers – final year students, fresh graduates or unemployed graduates (0-2 years) 
  • Creative Individuals interested in learning Digital Marketing 
  • Professionals who are looking to change their career
  • Business Owners who want to promote their business
What are job opportunities for Java Professional?

Java Professional with the right skill set is very much in demand. Check the current openings at




What is the duration of Java Course?

Duration of the high-level programming language Java is almost 4 months. This even varies as per the institute as most of them follow their own course schedule.

One of the best academy in Vidarbha, I join here for digital marketing and getting a excellence knowledge ...


Yasham Academy is one of the leading coaching institutes in akola for all computer course. They teach very well.

Nikhil Kamble

Excellent place for programming and innovative things,real-time project working with guidance by Vinod Pande Sir.

vijay ingle
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