Skill Vs. Job in the Era of Corona

JOBS Vs Skills – Tips for kickstarting IT career in the time of Corona Dear Friends, I speak to lots of graduates as the part of IT academy and Software Development firm. I see lots of enthusiasm in the young graduates, they have lot of dreams in their eyes and want to start their career […]

15 Fastest Growing Jobs in India

  Getting a decent job is the number one priority of the graduates in India. Job market is very competitive in nature and the companies are looking for skilled individual. Recently I came across linkedin’s Emerging Job Reports India 2020. As per the report, the 15 fastes growing jobs in India are Blockchain developer Artificial […]



CSS Background The CSS background properties are used to define the background effects for elements. There are lots of properties to design the...

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1) Text Color This property can be used to change the color of the text. It can be defined by using color property. <!DOCTYPE html> <html...

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Css fonts CSS Font property is used to control the look of texts. By the use of CSS font property you can change the text size, color, style and...

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code test

<div class="form-floating"> <textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Leave a comment here"...

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    Importance of Images CSS Images Images are an important part of any web application. Including a lot of images in a web application is generally...

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HTML-CSS-Table HTML tables allow web developers to arrange data into rows and columns. A table in HTML consists of table cells inside rows and...

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HTML Form An HTML form is a section of a document which contains controls such as text fields, password fields, checkboxes,...

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Flex Box

Flex Box

Basic Concepts of Flexbox The Flexible Box Module, usually referred to as flexbox, was designed as a one-dimensional layout model, and as a method...

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PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

What is PHP? PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is...

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What is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media....

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